I'm going to die healthy, damnit!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thursday, and all is not quite well

Breakfast: breakfast bar, coffee on the run. Way too much sugar in the bar. Nobody makes healthy processed food.
Lunch: chicken stir-fry
Dinner: Pasta & tomato, salad, bread. The same as the last 2 days, because I made enough food for 4 suppers.

Exercise: none.

Today I was explaining a valuable life philosophy to a co-worker (he claims to appreciate it, but I'm not sure if he's sucking up or not). I explained the benefit of regular exercise and generally "taking care of yourself", and stressed that the more tired/busy/stressed you are, the more important it is. So you shouldn't ever feel too tired/stressed/etc. to exercise, because that's when you need it most.

So I came home after 12 hours working, and I was faced with a choice: exercise right away and therefore wait an hour for supper, or eat immediately and not exercise all evening (since I can't exercise on a full stomach). I feel like such a hypocrite, but I did enjoy my supper.

Tomorrow is another physio appointment.


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